Saturday, December 3, 2011

Love Like THIS

As I've gotten older, I've learned to live life differently not only like it's going to be my last but also to live life like it's going to be my loved ones' last...because one day one of the two will be true. There are times I feel frustrated with my loved ones and my pride wants to overtake the love I have for them. In that moment of stubbornness I think to myself, what if something happens to the person I'm having qualms with? Is this stupid feeling of aggravation worth it? Nope. The answer is always no. So I tell myself , "Dude,suck it up." I Acknowledge my part in it and move on with LOVE. My point IS in this lifetime, holding grudges with loved ones is NOT worth it. Overall just do it. We are all emotional creatures, we get our poor little feeling hurt. Sometimes you just have to say EFF those feelings and forgive,apologize, move on with love. My saying in life is Enjoy life like it's your last and your loved one's last. Be kind, be sweet. Eat sweets. Mel