So I ran into an old Diary Entry of mine from 2008 titled ' My 12 Personal Commandments'.
The commandments:
1. Embrace my inner thinking cap.
2. Love with action
3. Do not give up when failure occurs
4. Be kind to everyone and don't let my thoughts rule me.
5. Learn something new by taking a class or reading a book
6. Be giving to others.
7. Soak in a compliment every now and then
8. Forgive those who do me wrong
9. Follow through with what I say
10. Respect and be open minded to different beliefs and opinions
11. Give up trying to always be right
12. Make things happen rather than waiting for the right time
As I look back at my list, I wonder what things were going through my mind in that very moment.
I do remember that I was at a time in my life when I was doing some serious reflecting on my life and in need of super motivational pick me ups.:)
Let's dissect each one and see how I can put them to use in my life today:
1. Embrace my inner thinking cap. - Well, I love to read. It allows me to feel like..well, I know stuff. Maybe not usual stuff - but stuff. One of my favorite aspects of being a reader is the social applications. I love to chat with the people at work about what they are reading, share with friends and hubby about what books feed my heart, my mind, and my most favorite is to experience literature with my son!
2. Love with Action - Let's face it. I can say, 'I love you' as many times and it won't mean anything unless I prove it with action. I text my Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro, Hubby throughout the week that I love them or tell them on FB; however in the end what really matters is spending the short time I have here on this earth to make it count with everyone that matters.
3. Do not give up when failure occurs. - Well, this definitely applies to my career as a consultant. With me being in sales, I've learned that I cannot let one consultation bring my next one down. Although, things have been amazing for me, it still is difficult to shake that one bad day off to start new. I am so grateful to have awesome co-workers to vent to while I'm dusting the dirt off my hands when I fall.
4. Be kind to everyone and don't let my thoughts rule me. - It's difficult for me to be around negative energy...ha ha whether it's literally in my presence or on FB. I have to remind myself that people are the way they are because...well that's the way they are and who am I to judge one's life and to say that my way of thinking is right?
5. Learn something new whether it's by taking a class or reading a book. Working at the same place for 8 years, I've gotten used to a certain culture and a certain way of doing things.
So every year, I take it upon myself to take classes that has nothing to do with work. This year is no different but byfar the best learning experience of my life.
6. Be giving to others- I've got generous thoughts and yes, I've got the best of intentions. Everyday I tell myself to always do one kind thing for someone whether it's just a simple smile to a stranger to holding the door for someone else to telling my hubby great things about why I think he's such a remarkable person to donating blood or funds to helping the less fortunate or the sick. On my bucket list for this year, I promised to do many simple acts of kindness in one day. I've got a plan for that one.
7. Soak in a Compliment every now and then. - It is quite harder to not focus on the negative criticisms from others .... I try hard not to dwell over them. But it's ok to accept a compliment for what it is.
8. Forgive those who do me wrong- Wow. I wrote that? I believe that with open and effective communication, when I feel like I am wronged, it can be fixed. I don't like living my life holding grudges on people. I don't have the right to kick people out of my life.
9. Follow through with what I say - My calendar helps me with following up with what I say. I don't know what I'd do without it. I am my word (of course if I absolutely have to break a promise it's usually because it's something I can't get out of).
10.Respect and be open to different personal beliefs and opinions - this is why I hate politics.
Who am I to say that my way is the only way and that someone else's is just so wrong.
11. Give up trying to always be right- If I find myself ALWAYS trying to be right, I become an angry person. I hate being angry. The best cure for that is to just apologize for trying to make the other person wrong.
12. Make things happen rather than waiting for the right time- Sometimes I find myself being a risk taker almost to a fault. Maybe because I think this life is too short so why not? I sometimes get upset with those that have so much potential to do better with their life but they wait for things to just happen. Waiting is a state of mind and there is no next moment if you think about it. Create. CREATE CREATE!