Friday, January 6, 2012


Earlier today, I ran across this blog with the Title: Success is the Best Revenge.
It wasn't the only time I've heard or read the saying and when I was younger, when I'd come across it, I would think, " wow, this is so true..!" Because of my life experiences as an adult, I now think this saying is very sad.
For those that believe that "success is the best revenge" I invite you to look at life a little differently.
Revenge. .... in any way shape or form does come at a price. Instead of helping us move on with our life, it can leave us dwelling on the situation and keeps us remaining unhappy. To me it's evil. It all comes down to not having true peace within and not forgiving those who have done wrong. So why not show happiness, success or whatever it may not to seek revenge, but to really...just be happy for yourself.
We're all human. We're all flawed..we all go through times of disappointment. Hey, it's life. You can choose to hold grudges, seek revenge, or let go of your hatred and FORGIVE. When I'm around folks that just decide to dislike someone just because they rubbed them the wrong way, it makes me really sad for them. If only they knew what true peace was and how they can use that energy to create something more meaningful and bigger...and to really focus on greater things in the world. We are given this itty bitty amount of life we have to live ..we can't allow peoples opinions of us let us down. Dream a bigger dream. Do something huge. We all have so much talent and positivity in us if we really try to dig in and think kinder thoughts.
Success shouldn't be the best revenge. If one must really seek revenge, let forgiveness be the best revenge.. It heals the soul.