Sunday, October 16, 2011


I'm not quite sure who I'm saying hi to because I really don't have any followers on here. As an avid private blogger, I've decided to go from private journal blogging (used to use my diary app on my iphone)to sharing my blogs.

Those that know me well, know that I love writing in my diary about life; the good days and the tough. I've lost a couple of hard copies...passwords to my Xanga blog...Well, I've probably thrown them away and regret it so hopefully with this bLISSYism blog of mine I'll be able to keep track better. We'll see.

I've always been into reading different blogs as much as I love blog rambling myself - occasionally I have a point I want to share, a memory I want to document, or use the opportunity to write about a new experience. But sometimes, I just need a chance to hang out in my own thoughts.

My ongoing Thoughts
- These days, with a 12 month old son, I often find myself wondering about suggestions for diaper rashes, recommendations for pre-schools and daycare, or advice on how to raise a healthy and happy child. For those that are mommies, have you noticed that once you enter mommyville - all conversations abruptly changes to children. Your children. Other people's children. Children. Don't get me wrong - I am GUILTY. Guilty, guilty, guilty.
During the rare times I'm able to do other things I love, I am usually either editing photos, taking photos, reading books...and also have been working full time at the leading hair restoration company...for 8 years now; blessed to be doing a job I love.
I definitely try at least twice a month to have adult conversation outside of working; whether it's a night out with my girls or a night out with my wonderful hubby. We are blessed to have parents that are able to give us those must needed breaks. =)

I came across this blog today with a writing prompt - 10 on the 10th. Think of it like English class - the writing prompt on the 10th of each month is to create a list of 10 - on anything you want

10 Things I promised to accomplish in 2011

1 - Write at least one journal entry each week that has nothing to do with my kid. Watch out readers, since I'm making this public might be able to find out more about me. I might not be as candid as I am in my diary..we shall see =)

2 - Conquer and fight for my rights under CFRA law in California with my company...even if it meant getting fired over it.

3 -See real adult people and have real conversations twice a month. This will double my current night out of once a month.

4 - Read bedtime stories to Darin every night

5 - Really pray often for those in need and pray with Darin.

6 - Commit to having a date night with my husband - once a month

7 - Focus on Photography and do at least 5 sessions.

8 - Take a class, course, anything that I find may be inspiring or will allow me to be a better person.

9 - Read. I considered taking the 52 into 52 challenge (read 52 books in 52 weeks). But, really......I don't need anything else on my "to do" list. I love to read - reading is not, nor has it ever been a chore for me. This year I will make time to read - when I am not soo tired that my eyes close on every other page.

10 - Be generous. I have generous thoughts........sometimes I find myself lacking on the follow through. In 2011, my goal was to actually do the kind deed that comes to mind. Follow through.

So, there it is.
I've accomplished all of the goals listed but most of them are ongoing...
Yes, and this is why I love blogging my thoughts down. Create the goal. Speak the goal. Apply. Succeed.... Next.



  1. Melissa, great pumpkin patch pics w ur D boys. Lol. Looks like it was a great time & now I'm really sorry I missed it. Anyway, I really like the blog and enjoyed ur 10 things to accomplish list. Was on FB a sec ago (how I found ur blog) and tonite is just full of positivity & Inspiration for me. Anyway, my choice of words might sound cheesy but, ur truly wonderful! The person u are, ur openness, kindness, positivity... its f-ing awesome. Ur awesome! I'm just so happy for Derik but, shiiit - for myself too because these talks & ideas u share w me inspire me to be better.

    But, at what? That's where I get lost sometimes. And then I see ur blog & remember that putting it down, making a list is how I roll best. I can say it but w/o a list to keep me on track, then some of my goals just may not happen or happen at a less suitable time. So anyway, thanks for sharing ur thoughts but also for putting the idea of creating a list of goals or whatever I may write fresh in my head. For me, It really is the best way I get things done. Ok, Tama na. Lol. I'll be making a list of my own for 2012.

    ...I'll share w you the ones that aren't about me getting my freak on. Lol. Nah, ur one of my bff's now so I'll probably share those w u too.

    Grateful & inspired. - EF

  2. Melissa, great pumpkin patch pics w ur D boys. Lol. Looks like it was a great time & now I'm really sorry I missed it. Anyway, I really like the blog and enjoyed ur 10 things to accomplish list. Was on FB a sec ago (how I found ur blog) and tonite is just full of positivity & Inspiration for me. Anyway, my choice of words might sound cheesy but, ur truly wonderful! The person u are, ur openness, kindness, positivity... its f-ing awesome. Ur awesome! I'm just so happy for Derik but, shiiit - for myself too because these talks & ideas u share w me inspire me to be better.

    But, at what? That's where I get lost sometimes. And then I see ur blog & remember that putting it down, making a list is how I roll best. I can say it but w/o a list to keep me on track, then some of my goals just may not happen or happen at a less suitable time. So anyway, thanks for sharing ur thoughts but also for putting the idea of creating a list of goals or whatever I may write fresh in my head. For me, It really is the best way I get things done. Ok, Tama na. Lol. I'll be making a list of my own for 2012.

    ...I'll share w you the ones that aren't about me getting my freak on. Lol. Nah, ur one of my bff's now so I'll probably share those w u too.

    Grateful & inspired. - EF
