Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Well, 2011 has been an amazing year filled with a whole lot of love, laughter, curveballs, serious talks and desicion makings.

I LOVE my job, if I can even call it a job. For the past 8 years, I can say that the passion inside of me to change a man, woman, or child's life and to allow them to live again has changed my perspective in life. Don't get me wrong, we all have our ups and downs, but the most important thing to me is to deliver 101%. I believe that in life, you are worse than a failure if you haven't even attempted to be successful. Give it all you've got. Take risks. Do it big.

I received some really sweet emails recently from higher ups in our Corporation which was also sent to the entire company and WOW I am so so incredibly touched. It's not through anything that I have done and I can' t take credit for inspiring others but I am truly touched and humbled to make somebody's life just a little bit brighter by the simple fact of just being myself and not letting not so good life circumstances be turned into changing peoples lives.
I usually keep a journal of sweet letters and compliments in my diaryjust to brighten up my day when things aren't going so well, but since I've moved on to public blogging I will post some of the recent ones one here.
To All,
As someone who is always looking for the right words to say…I want to start the New Year 2012 by taking the time to Thank Melissa Poquiz for her nothing short of Stellar Performance over the past year.

Winning War Boards…Contests…along with placing high on the Top Closers list in the nation. Watching her Team Work, Camaraderie and Support…reminds me of how truly lucky I am!

So…the only correct words I can come up with is THANK YOU!!!

The Best is Yet to Be!!!
A. Regional VP
Thank you Melissa
Not only are you an amazing consultant(can I clone you?), but you are a very good person.
You are friendly, likeable, passionate and truly care about everyone and our clients.
That means the world to me.
Thank you..
If I was closer, I’d give you a big hug and a smooch.
National VP
In the 17 years that I have worked at HC
I have never been more impressed by anyone in this company! You really are a bright star and are so so so very talented! Gina better be damn grateful and blessed to have you! If not, I will punch her! :O)
Regional Sales Manager

gets me all mushy reading this and cannot take credit for anything I do when I TRY giving the best of me to those I care about. God expects this of me and us all, so I will continue to be more loving especially during the toughest of times.

Ok, bedtime. Happy New Year to all.

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